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Teeth Whitening Options at Our Office

As the saying goes; “You only have one chance at a first impression.” And what’s the first thing you notice during a  first impression? Their smile! Here at 5Points Advanced Dentistry, we see white teeth and a bright smile as a golden opportunity to make an outstanding first impression.

White teeth communicate health, beauty, and success. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular services in the cosmetic industry. It is a quick and somewhat easy way to greatly improve your overall appearance.

Many people yearn for a sparkling smile but are held back by stained or yellowed teeth. Several factors can cause teeth discoloration. If you suffer from tooth discoloration, you are not alone. Dr. Imm and his staff here at our office can help to restore your healthy smile!

What Does it Involve?Teeth Whitening Before and After

The color of your teeth is a result of a combination of the color of the dentin under the enamel and the reflection of light off the enamel.  Every day the outer coating of the enamel picks up stains. Aging can also make your teeth less bright because the dentin gets darker while the enamel becomes thinner. This discoloration can be mitigated through advanced whitening technology.

The Most Effective Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

If drugstore whitening products aren’t working for your teeth, it may be time to seek help from a professional. There are several reasons why you may benefit from whitening your teeth at our office. At 5Points Advanced Dentistry, you will receive specialized care from Dr. TJ Imm and his team. You will have the opportunity to choose the option that best fits your budget, schedule, and preference. Through Zoom!® advanced teeth whitening technology, we can gently lighten up your teeth.

The best thing about our Zoom! whitening system is that it is suitable for everyone; the treatment can be customized to for your specific needs. After making all the necessary arrangements, the doctors will apply a whitening gel to the affected teeth to activate the process.

After the procedure, you will be given Zoom! gel to carry home for touch-ups. You will be provided with post-whitening instructions. Our in-office procedures are suitable for anyone looking for a safe way to get a whiter smile instantly. So, if you have a special event coming up such as a graduation or a wedding, our in-office whitening treatment will get your smile ready to go.

Most patients experience impressive results with this whitening treatment. Teeth whitening treatments are effective in removing brown, orange or yellow tinges caused by beverages, smoking or aging. Dark grey stains as a result of smoking, fluorosis or tetracycline may take time to whiten. Besides this, patients with periodontal disease, sensitive teeth or worn enamel may not do well in whitening treatment. The best solution for these cases may involve dental crowns and bridges.

How to Prepare For Treatment

When you schedule an appointment, Dr. Imm will examine your teeth to help evaluate the best course of action. In the examination, he will photograph your mouth. Other dental problems can affect the whitening treatment. In most cases, some conditions such as cavities must be treated first before whitening.

Before the whitening process, our team will clean your teeth. This will remove the food residues, bacteria, and other substances that may contribute to the yellowing.

Benefits of In-Office WhiteningLady Smiling While Sitting on Couch

Instant Gratification: You will leave our office with a healthy smile. You will have whiter teeth within two hours. In most cases, a whitening session lasts less than an hour.

Safe and Painless: 5Points Advanced Dentistry utilizes the latest technology in teeth whitening. This results in a low risk of developing long-term sensitivity issues. This is safer than over the counter whitening treatments.

Improve Your Image: Most may argue that our eyes are the window to our soul. While this is true, teeth are also the window to our health and lifestyle. Dull teeth can signal ill health or nutritional deficiency.

Improve Your Self-Esteem: If you are less confident about yourself especially because of stained teeth; it is possible that you avoid social gatherings. Whitening can improve your self-esteem and can help you regain your social life. While some events such as a graduation, a wedding, the photos you take at these events are permanent. With our in-office whitening, you can shine through the years courtesy of a beautiful smile.

Improve Interview Performance: A bright smile projects confidence, capability, and energy. These are the traits that most employers are looking for.

If you are ready to improve your appearance with a healthy smile, please call us at 5Points Advanced Dentistry today! Our team will have your smile looking “first impression ready” in no time at all!


How Can Dental Implants Improve My Smile?

5 Points Advanced Dentistry has a variety of solutions for people who suffer from missing teeth, gaps, alignment problems, discoloration or overall dissatisfaction with their smile. If you are impacted by any of these issues, you may want to consider dental implants. Dental implants are a sturdy, permanent solution to restore your smile to its healthy and natural state.

More About Implants

Implants are replacement teeth that have two parts to them. They have a titanium post that the specialist places underneath the gum line and into the jawbone. The post acts as the root of the entire tooth. It’s the foundation that the tooth is set upon after the post integrates into the jawbone. A replacement tooth or a bridge goes over the top of the root and forms the entire implant. The process of placing implants in the mouth requires surgery no matter which type of implant you get when you visit. It also takes a while before it’s officially complete.

Reasons to Choose ImplantsDental Implant Rendering

There are many reasons to choose implants over other methods of correction. One main benefit is its durability. Because it is integrated into the bone, the implant stands firm in its placement, even while eating. It fuses with your jawbone and creates a solid foundation that cannot easily be interrupted. The permanence makes them a lifelong option that requires minimal maintenance.

Implants are a much better solution to missing teeth than dentures, which require adhesives and are often inconvenient and unsightly.

The Benefits of Implants

The benefits of choosing dental implants are many. One of these is simply the natural look of dental implants. They can restore your perfect smile and bring your self-confidence back.

Another benefit of the implants is that they are long-lasting. They can last for 25 years or longer if cared for properly. Other solutions may only last five to 10 years before they start to deteriorate. Dental implants can also improve your speech. Unlike dentures, that can move around in the mouth if not fitted properly, dental implants are permanent and can help you speak clearly. Dental implants make eating easier than other smile repair options. Because they fuse to your bone, chewing with a dental implant is easy and comfortable.

When a tooth is missing, the jaw bone beneath it can start to deteriorate. Implants prevent this; helping you protect your jaw and prevent future dental issues.

How Implants Can Improve Your Smile

Dental implants can be a saving grace when it comes to improving your smile. They fill gaps and give you a full, healthy set of teeth again. The implants are so life-like that other people will not detect them. Facial structures can often appear sunken when an individual is missing teeth. Dental implants can fill out your smile and give you a full and youthful appearance.

The Process of Getting Implants

To begin the dental implant process, you must first make sure that you are a good fit for the procedures. For implants to be effective, there must be a workable amount of bone and gum tissue. Having deteriorated bone or damaged gums from the disease will not allow for successful implant placement. Thus, Dr. Imm will determine if you qualify for the implant procedure. If you do, then you can start working with Dr. Imm to create your recovery plan.

The implant will most likely take multiple visits to conduct. The specialist will implant the post into the jawbone or gum during the first visit. You may be able to request a flipper or partial denture for the area while your jawbone is recovering from the initial procedure.

The second visit will involve putting the tooth onto the posts. This is a surgical procedure, so there will be a waiting period between procedures. The entire process may take up to seven months, but it will be worth it when you see the results.

Visit for an Assessment

Contact 5 Points Advanced Dentistry if you’re interested in learning more about dental implants. We can help determine if implants are the right course of action for you and create a treatment plan. Call us today and let us help you get back your perfect smile.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Do you snore loudly? Do you feel tired when you wake up, even though you went to bed early? Do you occasionally wake up at night with a gasp? You may have a common sleep disorder that affects about 18 million adults in the United States. Sleep apnea can interfere with the quality of your sleep, disrupt your relationship with a partner, interrupt work, and increase your risk for heart attacks, early death, and car accidents.

what is sleep apnea

Here’s what you should know about this common sleep disorder, including how you can start your sleep apnea treatment.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a very common sleep disorder that causes breathing to become interrupted briefly but frequently during sleep. Each apnea episode lasts at least 10 seconds when breathing stops completely.

There are three types of the disorder: obstructive, central, and mixed. It is conservatively estimated that Obstructive Sleep Apnea, (OSA), affects about 4% of men and 2% of women, although it’s estimated that just 1 in 10 people who are diagnosed with OSA seek medical care. This form of sleep disorder is caused by blockage of the airways during sleep when your throat relaxes and allows your tongue or tissue of your throat to fall back and reduce airflow.

The central form of this sleep disorder, or CSA, happens when the brain does not signal to the muscles responsible for breathing during sleep. This form is less common than OSA. A third form of the disorder is called mixed or complex because it combines central and obstructive symptoms.

Signs You Have a Sleep Disorder

There are many signs you may have a sleep disorder, some more obvious than others. You may have OSA or CSA, or a mixture of the two if you experience the following:

  • You snore very loudly. Not everyone who snores has a sleep disorder, but it is a classic sign of the condition. Snoring punctuated by moments of silence is an especially clear sign of sleep apnea.
  • Beware! Not everyone who has sleep apnea snores! Stoppage of breath is oftentimes completely silent!
  • You wake up with a dry or sore throat.
  • You sometimes wake up gasping or choking.
  • A partner witnesses episodes in which you stop breathing during sleep. This usually lasts about 10 seconds and you may startle when breathing resumes.
  • You have headaches in the morning.
  • You feel very sleepy while driving.
  • You have chronic fatigue or low energy.
  • You wake up frequently at night, even just to use the bathroom, or have insomnia.
  • You wake up feeling tired.
  • You notice mood changes, forgetfulness, or reduced libido.

What Causes Sleep Disorders?

All three forms of this sleep disorder can be caused by many factors. In adults, excess weight is the most common cause of OSA, but it may be caused at least in part by anatomical features like a thick neck, small jaws, or narrow throat. In children, it can be caused by enlarged tonsils and dental conditions like an overbite. CSA is also associated with being overweight, but it may be caused by certain medications, heart failure, and conditions that affect the brain stem as well.

what is sleep apnea

Men are up to twice as likely to develop a sleep disorder than women, and as you age it can increase your risk of developing OSA or CSA. Other risk factors associated with serious sleep disorders include:

  • Smoking
  • Heart disorders
  • Stroke
  • Opioid medications
  • Frequent alcohol consumption
  • Family history

How Is it Diagnosed?

Sleep disorders are usually diagnosed with a sleep study or polysomnogram. This will require spending the night at a sleep center. Your dentist or primary care physician may refer you to a sleep clinic if you suspect a sleep disorder.

During the sleep study, your eye movement, sleep state, respiration, airflow, heart rate, muscle activity, and blood oxygen levels will be monitored and used to diagnose you. This will be done through surface electrodes on your scalp and face that monitor electrical signals generated by your brain and muscles. You will also have a belt around your chest to measure breathing and an oximeter probe on your finger to monitor blood oxygen levels.

Treatment Options

A sleep disorder can cause more harm than snoring and poor sleep quality; it can also increase your risk of heart disease, accidents, and death. Once diagnosed, it’s important to have the disorder treated effectively to help you get a full night of quality sleep.

There are several options to treat sleep apnea. For very mild cases, lifestyle changes can be effective. This includes losing weight, quitting smoking, and avoiding alcohol. Sleeping on your side can also help keep your airway open.

For OSA, positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy is the most common. This usually involves a BiPAP or CPAP machine with a mask you wear at night. A CPAP machine blows air gently and continuously into your airway to keep it open while you are asleep. A BiPAP machine is similar but it changes airflow when you breathe in and out.

Oral appliances like a tongue-retaining mouthpiece or a mandibular advancement device (MAD) can also treat obstructive sleep apnea. These dental appliances work by repositioning the lower jaw and tongue to clear the airway during sleep. These dental devices are designed by dentists who specialize in treating sleep disorders.

In extreme cases, surgery may be necessary. There are a few types of surgery that may be warranted such as nasal surgery to correct a deviated septum, removal of soft tissue at the back of the throat that obstructs the airway, and surgery on the jaw to correct issues that contribute to sleep apnea.

Are you concerned that you may have OSA? At 5 Points Advanced Dentistry, we can help. While a dentist cannot diagnose a sleep disorder, your dentist can help treat your condition and refer you to a medical professional that can diagnose you. We screen patients at our Upper Arlington office for sleep disorders, and if this screening indicates you may have sleep apnea, we can refer you to a sleep doctor for a formal sleep evaluation and testing. From there, we can help treat your condition with a special dental appliance that keeps your airway open while you sleep.

Don’t ignore the signs of sleep apnea; it can negatively affect your life in a variety of ways. If you suspect you have a sleep disorder, contact our office today for a screening and referral.

Why Choose Invisalign?

Who doesn’t dream of having the perfect smile? However, a lot of us don’t want to go through the trouble of getting braces to achieve our dream smile. Fortunately, Invisalign clear aligners give you the option to get straight teeth without the hassle of braces!

Braces are still used to straighten teeth, but they are not the only option for patients. Braces use brackets with wires connecting them. These wires are made to move the teeth slowly in one direction as they guide the teeth to a more even position. The brackets come in clear plastic or metal materials and have bands that come in a variety of colors. But, unfortunately, braces are limiting to what a patient can eat, and they can be uncomfortable and not very aesthetically-pleasing.

Invisalign offers a great solution to these problems. They work in a similar fashion as traditional braces, but they are removable and transparent, making it a virtually invisible treatment option for people who want to keep their dental treatment on the down-low. Invisalign aligners are custom-made retainers that change the position of the teeth over time. They serve the purpose of braces, but they are clear and don’t have the same restrictions as braces do with their brackets and wires.

why choose invisalign 5 points advanced dentistry

Why would I choose Invisalign?

Apart from their convenience and invisibility, there are still even more reasons as to why they may be the perfect option for you. Below are many benefits to Invisalign that demonstrate why so many people love this treatment option.


Many of us hate the look of traditional braces and feel uncomfortable getting them, especially as an adult. Invisalign offers a great way to feel confident showing off your smile while striving to perfect your teeth and bite.

As effective as traditional braces

Invisalign aligners offer fantastic results, as good as traditional braces. Overbites, underbites, gaps, and overcrowding can all be fixed with Invisalign. During this treatment, you will be fitted with several different invisible retainers that make tiny adjustments to the position of your tooth over time. These aligners are made from a plastic material, and they fit perfectly over the teeth.

Eating habits

There are some things that you cannot eat when you have braces. You have to avoid eating certain sweets, popcorn, raw carrots, apples, bagels, etc. With Invisalign aligners, you will bypass these restrictions because you can remove them when you are eating and indulge in anything you want!


Invisalign is also a cost-effective way to straighten your teeth. You can get them directly through your dental office, so you already know if your dentist takes your insurance and can work with them to find out how much coverage you have or a payment plan that works for you. Some dentists and orthodontists even offer monthly payments to make the treatment affordable and convenient.

Convenient Treatment

The Invisalign treatment takes 12 months on average depending on the condition of the teeth that need to be moved. Your follow-up visits to your dentist along the way are usually very short, about every 6 weeks or so. This allows your dentist to make recommendations and check your progress to ensure your teeth are moving together correctly.


This is probably one of the main factors as to why Invisalign is the preferred treatment by most people over traditional braces. Not only do they give you the great results you are looking for, but they are also almost invisible! People will barely notice you’re wearing them, and you are able to remove them at any time to fit your lifestyle.

Fix your bite

This aligner doesn’t only help you feel confident smiling, but it also works to improve your health. When your bite is corrected, you can relieve jaw and joint pain, headache pain, and improve how you chew to better your overall health.

Reduced pain during treatmentwhy choose invisalign 5 points advanced dentistry

If you grind your teeth, it can make your muscles sore and cause other dental problems. The treatment for this is usually a custom mouthguard. However, wearing Invisalign aligners will also help protect you from grinding your teeth because of the protective layer between the teeth.

Improve your dental hygiene

When you have traditional braces, there are a lot of hard-to-reach places to brush and floss to keep your teeth clean. On the other hand, with Invisalign, you can remove your aligners and you can brush and floss your teeth easily without barriers. Not to mention, that when you have crooked or cluttered teeth, it is more difficult to clean them and bacteria can grow with ease. Once the aligners straighten your teeth, it will be easier to clean them and ensure you don’t have plaque or tartar build-up.

No discoloration

It is possible to get teeth discoloration when you have other dental treatments like braces. This can occur when the patient is eating sugary foods or drinks that leave stains, such as coffee, tea, wine, etc., and not taking time to clean all the nooks and crannies of his or her braces. Although you can still get teeth discoloration without braces, your chances are lower with Invisalign, as you can take out your clear aligners at any time and easily brush or floss each area of your teeth.

How to use Invisalign

To be successful with this treatment, you need to wear them at least 20 to 22 hours a day. This means that you need to wear them all day and night with the exception of removing them when you are eating or brushing your teeth. This ensures that your teeth are moving in the right direction and not reverting back to their original state. After your Invisalign treatment has been completed, you risk the teeth returning to their original form. To counter this, your dentist can offer you a retainer to wear at night to ensure that you maintain your beautiful new smile.

There is a lot that Invisalign offers our patients and reasons why we think it’s a great treatment option! For more information on how you can get started with Invisalign today, contact 5 Points Advanced Dentistry at 614-451-5435. You can also visit the office at 3380 Tremont Rd, Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221 or go to our website to find out more about our services!



Restore and Brighten Your Smile for Weddings and Graduations!

Most of us would agree that your most magnetic facial feature is your smile. Since the field of dentistry has seen tremendous advances in technology and procedures to help restore and maintain great smiles, you don’t have to worry about having chipped, uneven, stained or crooked teeth on your wedding day, graduation, or any other upcoming event! 5 Points Advanced Dentistry offers procedures that can help you smile with confidence as you prepare for a graduation or a wedding. Dr. Imm will help you in the selection of the most suitable options, depending on your desired results.

Teeth Whitening At Our Office

Restore and Brighten Your Smile Weddings Graduations

Teeth whitening is probably the easiest way to make your smile stand out and help you feel more confident attending any upcoming events. There are many different options for teeth whitening. In our office, we use the ZOOM! Whitening system to help our patients have white smiles. It is very convenient for busy patients, as we can brighten and whiten your smile by several shades in just a single visit! The ZOOM! system is suitable for almost anyone and we customize the treatment to help you achieve the results you want. Schedule your in-office teeth whitening session today at 5 Points Advanced Dentistry to enjoy the benefits of Zoom!® advanced teeth whitening technology!

At-Home Teeth Whitening Kits

There are also other options if you don’t want to get your teeth whitened in the office. If you would prefer to whiten your teeth gradually in the comfort of your own home, talk to us about the DayWhite® or Opalescence® Boost teeth whitening kits. You can wear a tray filled with a whitening solution when it is most convenient for you and see results within 10 to 14 days. We have many busy patients looking for a simple and effective teeth whitening solution that love their results with our take-home whitening systems.

Dental Crowns

The purpose of dental crowns is to restore the normal size, shape, and strength of your tooth, and also to cover any imperfections in your teeth. Unlike teeth whitening that cleans the teeth, a crown covers the tooth. A crown can make teeth look great and feel stronger. If you have a tooth filling you don’t want to be seen, for example, a crown can cover it up, whereas teeth whitening cannot. A crown is a great way to cover teeth that are out of position, uneven, or discolored.

Do you have weak teeth that you and your dentist are concerned they might break? Dr. Imm can prepare a crown to prevent brittle teeth from chipping or breaking, as well as to restore already broken teeth. This is a great treatment option that allows you to keep your natural tooth, but ensure that it will be stronger and aesthetically pleasing. There are several materials that are used to make crowns and they range from very strong to very aesthetically appealing. With your help, your dentist will choose the right one for you. The crown is custom-made to fit your tooth and goes over top of the natural tooth. Essentially, it looks like a thimble and it is cemented to your tooth. If a crown is recommended by your dentist, then it is the chosen procedure to solve the dental issues listed above. Always remember that the primary objective of the dentist is to ensure that you have a healthy smile for life!

Bridges and Implants

Do you have missing teeth that are affecting your confidence in your smile? Or do you have a hard time chewing or speaking due to a gap in your teeth? To replace missing teeth, there are two types of replacement procedures: an implant and a fixed bridge. Bridges or dental implants are used to fill in this space and help you to be more confident smiling as well as reduce discomfort when you are eating and drinking.

In a fixed bridge replacement procedure, an artificial tooth is used to replace the missing tooth. For bridges, the restoration can use alloys, gold, porcelain or combinations of those materials, and it is hooked to the teeth to close the gap for support. It is a great alternative because it looks great and it can even fill the space of several missing teeth.

Implants are installed by placing a titanium fixture directly in the jawbone and screwing in a fully-functional fake tooth into your gums. They can take some time to heal, however, implants are a great permanent solution for tooth loss that can give you confidence smiling, as well as eating any type of food. You can have no fear of biting into an apple or an ear of corn after dental implants!

The success of an implant or a bridge depends on the foundation of the teeth, the gums, and the jaw bone. It is important to keep your gums, teeth and a jaw bone healthy to help these procedures be successful!

What’s the best procedure for me?

The decision of which procedure to go for will be different for every patient, and cannot be made before visiting your dentist! The final decision is made after your dentist has examined your mouth and spoken to you about your desired outcomes, and any questions or concerns you have. Each of these procedures has different results, costs, recovery, and time associated with them. But before you go into your appointment, it’s great to know what options you have and help yourself become educated on the different procedures we have available! We are always more than happy to discuss each option in detail and advise you on what we would suggest for your individual treatment plan.

No one wants to feel uncomfortable smiling, especially with all of your upcoming spring and summer events! We love transforming our patients’ smiles and getting to see them become excited to show them off! Schedule your visit with us today to discuss your ideal results and how we can get you there! We look forward to speaking with you about your vision for your smile!

Why Should You Choose 5 Points Advanced Dentistry As Your Family and Cosmetic Dentist?

Did you know that 48% of people will say that a smile is the most memorable feature after they meet someone for the first time? At 5 Points Advanced Dentistry, we understand that the aesthetics of your smile are just as important as your oral and overall health. One of the most important parts of ensuring healthy teeth and gums is choosing the right dentist for you and your family. At 5 Points Advanced Dentistry, we are ready to meet and exceed your needs.

Dr. John Imm is the dentist at our office. He has had extensive education and experience, including The Ohio State University College of Dentistry and a fellowship at The International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He did his residency in Advanced General Dentistry at the University of Florida. This residency education is part of the reason he chose to name his practice 5 Points Advanced Dentistry. Dr. Imm is passionate about continuing his education and keeping up with all of the advancements in dental care and technology.

Why Should You Choose 5 Points Advanced Dentistry as Your Family Dentist?

Preventive dentistry is important for individuals of all ages. Semi-annual dental exams are not just for cleaning, but for screening for underlying issues like cavities. If there are more serious issues, like precursors to gum disease, we will be able to catch it before it progresses further.  From routine checkups and cleanings to information about home oral care, every visit to 5 Points Advanced Dentistry will help improve your dental and overall health. choose 5 points advanced dentistry as your family dentist

Dr. Imm is passionate about creating a positive, caring dental experience for every patient—old and young. Our highly trained team will do all we can to make you feel comfortable as soon as you arrive at our office. We hope that we show you that we truly care about each patient, so you know you have a found a dentist you can trust.

Our compassionate approach is especially great for young children and adults who have had bad experiences in the past. Fear is one of the main reasons people avoid dental visits, so everyone in your family will appreciate our down-to-earth approach. From toddlers to grandparents, we will do all we can to ensure your entire family looks forward to appointments. Our personalized care will make every visit a pleasant experience.

You should visit the dentist at least twice each year.  A comprehensive exam will help us detect dental issues in their earliest stages. Early treatment costs less, involves less discomfort, and produces the best results. The exam will provide a whole picture of your oral health.

A thorough cleaning can also prevent future dental problems. During a professional cleaning, our hygienists are able to remove tartar and plaque that cannot be removed with your toothbrush and floss. When combined with a solid home oral care routine, a semi-annual cleaning will help you avoid cavities and gum disease. General dentistry should be one of the top priorities for you and your family.  

Why Should You Choose 5 Points Advanced Dentistry as your Cosmetic Dentist?


We believe everyone deserves a beautiful smile. At 5 Points Advanced Dentistry, our cosmetic dentistry procedures include:   

  • Smile Makeovers
  • Invisalign
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Crowns and Bridges
  • Composite Fillings
  • Dental Implants

Smile Makeovers

At 5 Points Advanced Dentistry, Dr. Imm will consult with you about your goals for your dental health and appearance.  Then, he will develop a smile makeover treatment plan that will focus on reaching those goals.  Because every patient is different, each smile makeover process will be unique.  When we consult with our patients about a smile makeover, procedures we may recommend include composite bonding, dental implants, Invisalign, teeth whitening, and others.

cosmetic dentistry


Adults and teenagers who need braces often hesitate when it comes to old-fashioned metal braces. These braces may be viewed as unattractive and can be uncomfortable. One alternative option to consider is Invisalign. This orthodontic treatment is effective, fast, and discreet because the customized, clear braces are nearly invisible. Invisalign braces are easy to clean as well because they can be removed.

Teeth Whitening

We provide a few different teeth whitening options for our patients. Our Zoom! In-Office Whitening procedure is fast, effective, and customized for you specifically. With this treatment, will be able to whiten your teeth several shades in just one visit.

Our DayWhite® or Opalescence® Boost take-home teeth whitening kits are affordable options for patients who want to whiten their teeth. For this treatment, we will prepare trays filled with the whitening solution for you to take home. You will be able to wear these trays when it is most convenient for you and you will see results within 10 to 14 days.

Crowns and Bridges

A dental crown is a custom-made “cap” that fits over your tooth to repair and strengthen it. These are necessary after you undergo a root canal treatment or if your tooth has sustained damage or trauma. Because each crown is custom, it will be made to match your surrounding natural teeth.

We can use a bridge to fill a gap between two teeth. A bridge is a set of two or more crowns custom-made to resemble your missing teeth. These are attached to the surrounded teeth to fill the gap and recreate your smile.

Composite Fillings

After Dr. Imm cleans out a cavity, he will fill it with a composite filling. This is a tooth-colored filling that will protect your tooth from further decay.

Dental Implants

Dr. Imm can use dental implants to replace one or more missing teeth in your mouth. Implants can preserve your jaw bone, so you do not experience bone loss, and will fill the gap between your teeth, so your natural teeth will not shift.

Dental Procedures For Special Problems

At 5 Points Advanced Dentistry, we are ready to assist with all of your dental care needs. Dr. Imm also takes special care to focus on your whole mouth and overall health. Studies have found that the condition of your gums and teeth is actually linked to your overall health, so Dr. Imm has become more focused on this and making sure we uncover all underlying problems.

If you are experiencing oral pain or discomfort, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with us. It’s not necessary to wait until your semi-annual exam if you have an immediate problem.  Dr. Imm will be happy to take a look and determine which route would be best for treatment. 

For example, if you are experiencing jaw pain or popping, you may have a disorder called TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) Disorder. Many people develop this disorder if they grind their teeth at night. This is something Dr. Imm has a lot of experience diagnosing and treating. At 5 Points, we can create a custom mouthguard to prevent further grinding, and provide more advanced treatment if necessary. Taking these measures against nighttime teeth grinding can preserve your gums and teeth, and keep your jaw healthy.

If you do have TMJ, the condition affects the placement of your ligaments and jawbones. This altered position can cause your airway to be narrowed. A narrowed airway can lead to mouth breathing during sleeping and snoring and can even cause your airway to collapse. This is one of the things that Dr. Imm is particularly focused on uncovering if the problem exists. Your health is important to him and all of us here at 5 Points.

If you have tooth pain, there are several causes that could be behind it. You may need to have a tooth extracted, periodontal care, bone reshaping, or crowns. Whatever your particular situation may be, we are here to help. So, don’t wait until your regularly scheduled appointment if you have an oral health concern—contact 5 Points Advanced Dentistry.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

We are the dental team for your toddlers, teens, adults, and seniors. Whether your family members all come in at the same time, or appointments are scheduled on different days, you will quickly see why so many people in the Columbus, Ohio area choose us.

If it has been more than six months since you have had a checkup, you are experiencing an oral problem, or you have questions, this is the ideal time to contact us for an appointment.  Simply call us at 614-451-5435 or email us at Our friendly, compassionate staff wants to meet you, and help you have the best oral health possible! We look forward to meeting you and your family.



Come Visit Us

3380 Tremont Rd
Upper Arlington, OH 43221

Give us a call at 614.451.5435 today!

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