Why Replacing Missing Teeth Is Important | 5 Points Dentistry

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Why Replacing Missing Teeth Is Important

At 5Points Advanced Dentistry, we treat our patients for a variety of dental concerns. When patients come to us faced with getting a tooth pulled, tooth loss or extraction, our Upper Arlington dentist, Dr. John G. Imm III will educate them on the advantages of replacing their teeth and the importance of doing so as soon as possible.

How does tooth loss occur?

The human mouth is designed to hold a full set of teeth, typically 32 which include incisors, canine teeth, premolars, and molars. Unfortunately, by middle age, most patients are missing one or more teeth. Additionally, approximately one in four seniors in the United States over the age of 65 have lost (or extracted) all of their teeth. How does this happen? In most cases, tooth loss occurs from:

· Periodontal disease
· Severe tooth decay
· Injury/trauma

When patients have conditions such as periodontal disease, they may experience bone loss and shrinkage that causes teeth to become loose. Tooth decay that has become so severe may require the dentist to extract the tooth. For others, trauma to the mouth has caused teeth to be knocked out, and in some cases, the dentist may be unable to reattach it.

What are the dangers and complications of missing teeth?

There are many things that can happen if patients fail to have their missing teeth replaced as soon as possible. One example is the shifting of the existing teeth. When a tooth is lost or extracted, it leaves behind a space that is not only unattractive but can cause the remaining teeth to shift. This can cause gaps elsewhere in the smile that may need to be addressed with orthodontics. Patients who have lost teeth may also notice that it becomes increasingly difficult to speak clearly or eat properly. They may also feel self-conscious about the appearance of their smile due to the lost teeth, especially if it occurs near the front of the mouth on the anterior teeth. When teeth are no longer in place, the natural bone may shrink, causing dental resorption and a sunken-in appearance to the mouth and jaw. Because of these concerns, the team at 5Points Advanced Dentistry urge patients to visit their practice and discuss tooth replacement options.

Why should I replace my missing teeth as soon as possible?

Replacing teeth as soon as they have been lost or extracted is the best way to maintain the appearance of the smile, the function of the mouth, and the health of the jaw bone.

Mirror in MouthWhat options are available for tooth loss replacement at 5Points Advanced Dentistry?

When Upper Arlington, OH area patients are missing teeth, they need to speak to our team of professionals about the options available to them for tooth replacement. Our office is pleased to offer the following treatment options for those seeking restoration of their smile:

· Partial dentures – Partial dentures are a common and economical way for patients to replace one or more teeth within the dental arch. These restorations are made with a metal framework and include false teeth that slide into place when the partial denture is inserted into the smile. These dentures can be removed for easy care and cleaning.

· Full dentures – Full dentures are used in replacing an entire arch of teeth. They are made of a high-quality acrylic frame that includes false teeth and false gums. These dentures may be used for the top arch, bottom arch, or both arches. Our dental staff recommends patients consider dental adhesives to keep their dentures in place or speak to their dentist about the possibility of using implant-retained dentures for optimum stability and strength.

· Dental bridges – Dental bridges are used when patients are missing one or more teeth in a row. These restorations include dental crowns on each side that are used with the surrounding teeth as an anchor. False teeth are fused in-between and allow patients the opportunity to repair the smile’s function and beauty in a more permanent way than partial dentures.

· Dental implants – Dental implants are a highly desirable option for many of our patients. These restorations are titanium metal posts that are placed into the bone of the jaw and restored over the top with a crown, bridge, or full denture. These versatile solutions can last a lifetime with proper care.

To determine the tooth replacement solution that fits a patient’s needs, patients should call the office to book an initial evaluation and consultation appointment with Dr. John G. Imm III. This is a great time to discuss with the dental team the options available and find out which is most appropriate for each unique situation and budget.

Request your appointment with 5Points Advanced Dentistry today!

Dr. John G. Imm III and his team of professionals in the Upper Arlington, OH area have committed themselves to help patients address tooth loss and restoration with a healthy smile in mind. If you live in the area and are interested in working with a team of professionals to enhance your smile and improve your oral health and wellness, we welcome you to book a consultation visit with our staff. We are conveniently located at 3380 Tremont Road and can be reached by phone at 614-451-5435. Our facility is always accepting new patients ready to provide the best in dental care!

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3380 Tremont Rd
Upper Arlington, OH 43221

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